WlzIIP viewer and server demos
Selectable from the left menu, five objects are available for browsing:
- Tomographic 3D reconstruction (304,921,964 bytes, 635x595x795 voxels)
- Kidney reconstruction, subsampled x6 (174,340,117 bytes; 823x835x814)
- Kidney reconstruction, full quality (5,859,825,588 bytes; 823x4905x4783 voxels)
- NeuroTerrain data (78,174,807 bytes; 1056x318x592 voxels) - courtesy of
Laboratory for Bioimaging and Anatomical Informatics
- Visible Male (13,401,662,426 bytes; 1050x1710x1866 voxels) - courtesy of
National Library of Medicine, Visible Human Project